Official training app

I offer simple, flexible expert training through my app, featuring a client training profile and access to a catalog of pre-made exercise programs. These programs focus on key components like muscular and cardiovascular foundations, hypertrophy and strength training, speed and jump training, mobility, and more. The app also includes video tutorials, progress tracking tools, and additional resources.

For clients who opt for 1-on-1 training, I provide custom exercise programs tailored to individual goals, direct communication with me as your coach, educational resources, regular check-ins, and options for nutritional guidance. This comprehensive support through the app ensures that you receive the same level of attention and expertise as you would in in-person sessions.

The Features

Training Programs

Receive general and customized workout plans tailored to your goals and fitness level. Whether you're a novice or an elite athlete, training for a specific sport or seeking overall fitness improvement, we can create a program that aligns with your personal objectives.

Progress Tracking

Track your progress with comprehensive data points, including workout performance, body composition, sleep, and other health metrics. Monitor your improvements and create discipline with detailed reports.

Video Examples

Every program comes with video examples demonstrating proper exercise techniques and form. Ensure you’re performing each exercise correctly to maximize effectiveness and safety.

Nutritional Guidance

Pick a training plan that offers direct access to your coach for real-time feedback and personalized support. Get answers to your questions, adjust your program as needed, and stay on track with expert guidance.

Direct Coach Access

One of the key components of a successful training program is effective communication with your coach. This ensures you receive timely training feedback, answers to your questions, and necessary adjustments to your program, all while staying on track with expert guidance.

Community Support

Join a community of like-minded individuals for motivation and support. Share your journey, exchange tips, and stay inspired by connecting with others who share your fitness goals.


A variety of premade training programs tailored for beginners to intermediate levels. Designed to help you build a strong foundation, improve body composition, and achieve your general health goals with structured, effective routines suitable for all.

  • 1x20 - Strength & Conditioning Simplified

    Get stronger, faster with our 8-Week 1x20 Program—just one set, 20 reps, and you're done! Perfect for those who want results without living at the gym.

  • 2-Week Trial Workout Program

    Dip your toes.

  • 3-Day Full Body, DB/Bench Only (30-Min)

    General Resistance Training Program (includes app access)

  • 12-week General Physical Preparedness (GPP)

    Goal-Oriented Training Program (includes app access)

Sign Up for a Two Week Trial

This trial gives you access to a generalized strength training program featuring unilateral and compound movements, supersets/trisets, mobility training, and more. Several common components of training that would go into a custom program for a beginner can be found here. This offers a glimpse of how our app works while introducing effective workouts that cater to various fitness levels.